Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's Thursday...

It feels like I've got a case of the Mondays, even though it's really Thursday. 

I had some lovely visitors from Chicago last week!  I'm still trying to recover from all the activities.

My sister Jenny, and her family...

We played two courses of mini-golf, went to the park to see the turtles and ducks.  My brother-in-law bought piping hot corn on the cob from a Mexican with a cart and a bell at the park.  The condiments were a little unusual...mayo, fresh limes, cayenne pepper, what do you expect though?  We live in Southern California, everything has a little Mexican flair!  He loved it, and bought two more!

We picked strawberries in the middle of February.  Well, actually just posed for the picture and pretended.  They had already been picked for the day.  But they were very juicy, and sweet!

It was getting a little harder for the kids to strike a pose.  Maybe they need a little fuel in their tank?

Ahhhh...that's better!
Nothing that In N' Out can't cure.

They thought it was great to be eating outside, and the food wasn't bad either.

This was Uncle's time to shine!  He let them sit in the T-28 at the airport, what a very cool Uncle!
What a cute couple!
They always make each other laugh.
We all had a great time at Disneyland.  On the way back to the car after being there all day long, Jake said why are we leaving so early?  The park doesn't close till midnight!

They are growing up so fast! 

She is imaginative, creative, playful, artistic, 
loves to give hugs, think of new games, 
make up stories,
play dress up,
read books,
can recite the words to almost 
any Disney movie,
loves fairies and butterflies,
loves pasta,
needs a band-aid
no matter how
small the scratch,
and will talk to anyone
about anything that's on her mind.

He is witty, intelligent, tries to figure out
how things work,
loves science, 
has seen every episode 
of Myth Busters,
funny, wants to get a laugh
out of you by telling
loves to read,
thinks of others,
knows about all the sports teams,
often has a hard time shutting 
down his "computer"...(his brain),
teases his sister,
loves pizza,
and is a great story teller.
Thanks for coming to visit!

If only you could stay longer...or live closer. 

If only...

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.”

 Marion C. Garretty

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