Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flying High

Over the summer, I decided to explore Southern California a little by myself. 
I think that's what they call "finding yourself"...

I just found myself in a very long line in the middle of the desert, with a lot of other people.
When what to my wandering eyes appear should appear...
Oh, okay I can do this.  I can figure out my way there, for the sake of research of my new state of California, right?
But which way do I go?
Apparently, I'm just as confused as everyone else.
I have a college education, I can figure this out!
Just follow the yellow brick road.
Or just follow the dry grass on the side of the road.
Getting closer...
I found it!
California sunshine, rolling hills, warm desert air, white puffy clouds, people, food, drinks, shopping...
But, where are the BALLOONS!?!

I had to wait around till sunset to finally see some of these beauties.  It was one of the coolest experiences I've had so far since I moved here. 

To be able to be so close to the fire when they light them all up was truly amazing. 

I realized, I can explore by myself.

My little accomplishment ended up giving me that warm fuzzy feeling all over. 
Or maybe I was just standing too close to the fire...

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