Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bowl Full of Jelly

Laughter is good medicine, right?  

"If you're at a Thanksgiving dinner, but you don't like the stuffing or the cranberry sauce or anything else, just pretend like you're eating it, but instead, put it all in your lap and form it into a big mushy ball. Then, later, when you're out back having cigars with the boys, let out a big fake cough and throw the ball to the ground. Then say, 'Boy, these are good cigars'"
-Jack Handey 

"Next Thanksgiving, here is a fun trick to play: When the mashed potatoes and turkey are being served, take some of both. But hide your turkey under your mashed potatoes. When your family asks "Don't you want some turkey?," pull the turkey out from under the mashed potatoes and yell "I tricked you!!"-Jack Handey

"If when you die you get a choice between pie heaven and regular heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick but if not mmmboy"  -Jack Handey

And the holidays are coming up, which are really becoming more and more stressful every year!
I cannot believe that people have their Christmas lights up already, or their Christmas tree decorated!
What happened to Thanksgiving?

You know how much fun it is to prepare, shop, cook, arrange schedules, forget something you really need in a recipe, wait in long lines at the checkout, have last minute guests show up, clean your whole house all for about 20 minutes of eating.

Sounds like a great tradition to me!

Life is easier when you are little, you just show up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flying High

Over the summer, I decided to explore Southern California a little by myself. 
I think that's what they call "finding yourself"...

I just found myself in a very long line in the middle of the desert, with a lot of other people.
When what to my wandering eyes appear should appear...
Oh, okay I can do this.  I can figure out my way there, for the sake of research of my new state of California, right?
But which way do I go?
Apparently, I'm just as confused as everyone else.
I have a college education, I can figure this out!
Just follow the yellow brick road.
Or just follow the dry grass on the side of the road.
Getting closer...
I found it!
California sunshine, rolling hills, warm desert air, white puffy clouds, people, food, drinks, shopping...
But, where are the BALLOONS!?!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beauty in the middle

We traveled up and down the California coast 
this last week to visit family, and 
celebrate our 2nd year Anniversary!

I can't believe it's been 2 years since the most amazing day of my life, when I married my best friend!

We drove up to Vacaville to visit my aunt and cousins, and second cousins, and third cousins...geesh I have a lot of cousins.  They are always a blast, so welcoming and fun to be around.   This is my cousin Sandy, and us at a winery in Napa.  She never seems to age, she always looks good!

Speaking of wineries...

There are a lot! Oh, and did I mention that my family we were visiting, their last name is Babcock.  And what did we find...but a Babcock winery.  No relation 
Of course, we had to stop and taste it!
There are so many cute, little, expensive coastal towns.  However, my favorite part of the trip was driving along the rolling hills of the valley, watching the sunlight dance off the grape vines, and the big white plume grasses.  
I tried to capture that feeling with my lens.
But it's never really possible to express that feeling with a camera...of the sun warming your skin, the moist salt water breeze, and your heart overflowing with love.