Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do This In Remembrance

This Memorial Day weekend, we found ourselves in Riverside, CA.  They had a Memorial Day ride with about 7,000 motorcycles.  It was loud!

We walked through the grave sites thinking about how lucky we are to live in this country.  There are men and women out there fighting for our freedom while we go about complaining about mowing the lawn, having to run back to the grocery store because we forgot that one item we really need, or having to walk the dog, again.

And their families are at home holding down the fort having to play the mommy and daddy. 

I could not even imagine what that must be like to have your loved one, your best friend living in harms way everyday. 

That must be a constant struggle to continue to live out your life without your mom, dad, sister, brother, wife, husband, grandpa, or grandma for a year or more at a time. 

God Bless all the men and women in service for our country!  May you be forever in our hearts!

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