Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Planes, Planes, and more Planes

Guess what I got to do this weekend...hang out with my hubby that's for sure!

And watch these...

And this...
And that...
My brother-in-law flew this...
And my other brother-in-law flew this...

I watched with all of these people..

Pretty cool huh?

Another beautiful weekend in Cali!
Thanks honey for a great Airshow 2011 experience, can't wait till next year!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinqo De Nada

Cinqo of Nothing, because today is nada mucha.

While other people are going out to celebrate, I'll be home alone.

This is the stinky part of having a husband that travels a lot, and no immediate family to run to.  Well, I do have my in-laws, who always graciously invite me over, but they are busy tonight. Oh well!
Of course I have a lot of things to do to fill my time. 
When my husband has been home for a long time, and we get to spend 24 hours together, I selfishly think when does he go back to work again? All so I can have control of the TV remote again, and spread out in the middle of the bed.

Why is it that when you have it good, you want something else, something different, I can't just appreciate what I have and live in the moment.  And when it's gone, I want it back.

I think of my grandma who I really didn't appreciate when she was alive, because she always wanted to be apart of our lives.  She moved from California to Illinois to be with us.  I never thought of what that must have been like for her.  She loved to tell us long stories, go shopping, go to lunch, buy us birthday presents, Christmas presents, give us little candies she kept in her purse, rub our backs with smelly grandma lotion.  She was the perfect grandma with her bright pink lipstick and icy hot smell!  But I didn't appreciate going to her house, her making me take a spoon of honey to help my cough, or her interesting soup concoctions. 
My favorite memory of her was letting me sort out her jewelry and pretend like I was a store clerk selling them to her. Ha, how funny!  I also would write on paper she would give me, not real words of course.  I wrote gibberish, which I thought was cursive writing at the time.  When we went through her things after she passed, she had saved my papers of gibberish.  Such a loving grandma thing to do. 
Wow, I miss her! What a great lady! She packed parachutes during World War II, isn't that cool?

I guess the lesson of the day is that there is always something to do in life, like remembering good people and the good times in your life.

Maybe one day, I will learn to like my hubby's stupid TV shows and look back at them with fondness. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Procrastinating Projects

I've had this hutch for almost a year now, purchased at a garage sale last summer.  It was actually the first piece I saw on the driveway as we drove by, and I ended up buying two more pieces of furniture.  It took two car loads, hubby was not too happy!

But it proved to be worth it when I made back all the money I spent, plus $120 when I sold one of the pieces on craigslist.  Sweet!
My friend suggested I open up an online store called something like Pottery Barn, but not, like E Barn, or Emily's Barn. Maybe...someday I'll start my own business.

So, I liked it but wanted to kind of make it a little more modern looking. This is what I did...

I also copied the mirror idea from one of my favorite stores.  Of course, I purchased it from my local goodwill store and painted it black.
Now on to the next project...