Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you ever daydream while driving?  And when you come back to reality you realize you could have totally run into someone, and not even noticed because you are just not paying attention to any other cars around you.

Sometimes I daydream about what it would be like to live in another country, and how lucky I am to live in a place with running water, and not be scared for my safety everyday.

I think about what it will be like when I'm old.  I see a cute old couple holding hands, and I say a little prayer that my husband and I will be like that, still holding hands, still wanting to be around eachother, telling eachother our secret thoughts and dreams.

I'll see a woman pushing a stroller, and wonder what it's like being responsible for another human being.  Does she even stop to think that the decisions she makes everyday effects the way that kid sees and understands the world? 

Then I'll just daydream about the simple things, like what will I order at Starbucks today? 

What do you daydream about?

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