Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is springing...

Someone asked me the other day what I preferred, living here or in the Midwest?

I, of course, said well all my family is back there, but the weather isn't bad here!  It's always sunny in California, right? So if it's always sunny, and it feels like I'm living in the movie Groundhog day, how do I know when the seasons change?

My new seasons consist of rain, rain, and more rain, which is winter.
Spring is pleasantly warm and sunny during the day, and cooler at night.
Summer is unbearably hot if you don't have a pool in your backyard.
 And fall is just hot.

So, this is Spring! 
For about a week...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Woman's work is never done...

Sometimes I wonder why I ever bother to clean the stove.  I think it is one of the most mundane tasks and it never really looks clean.  After I painstakingly clean it for what seems like hours, it's time to use it again!  Of course I love using my brand new oven, my first and only oven that I've ever owned.  Even when I don't use it, it somehow becomes dirty and dusty.  Imagine that.  But like a good little housewife I will clean it and make it shine like new again, because a woman's work is never done.

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...

It's so nice to wake up early and have the birds chirping, and the sun shinning.

I am so spoiled now that I live here in SoCal.  I think that it's summer everyday, and everyone else in the country is sharing in my sunshine and blue skies.  I try not to take the 80 degree weather for granted, but it's an easy thing to do when you feel like you're in the Groundhog Day movie when everyday is sunny and warm.

My husband on the phone stuck in the middle of nowhere, wishing he was here...

Sorry you have to work on such a beautiful day in neighborhood honey!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Do you ever daydream while driving?  And when you come back to reality you realize you could have totally run into someone, and not even noticed because you are just not paying attention to any other cars around you.

Sometimes I daydream about what it would be like to live in another country, and how lucky I am to live in a place with running water, and not be scared for my safety everyday.

I think about what it will be like when I'm old.  I see a cute old couple holding hands, and I say a little prayer that my husband and I will be like that, still holding hands, still wanting to be around eachother, telling eachother our secret thoughts and dreams.

I'll see a woman pushing a stroller, and wonder what it's like being responsible for another human being.  Does she even stop to think that the decisions she makes everyday effects the way that kid sees and understands the world? 

Then I'll just daydream about the simple things, like what will I order at Starbucks today? 

What do you daydream about?

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Am Here!

This is one of our favorite places to hang out and take pictures on the pier at Huntington Beach.  I guess I have to classify myself as a Cali girl now, even though I do not have a bikini ready body, or bleach blond hair.  I married a California man and now have transplanted myself into this new world of duuuude! And eating mexican food for every meal of every day, because it's everywhere! 

I will be sharing the ups and downs of the first years of marriage.  We made it through year 1! Yeah!

As well as the exciting turns and twists of living in a new place with no immediate family, and having to live with a man, what!?
I must love him a lot!  He is my best friend and my biggest fan of everything I do. 

Here we go...